vineri, 28 mai 2010

Creativitate ?

vorbesc unii oameni ca pentru a fi creativ ai nevoie de doua lucruri:

The No. 1 Creativity Habit
In a word: solitude
Creativity flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus.

The No. 2 Creative Habit
While it might seem contradictory, the No. 2 habit when it comes to nurturing creativity: participation. This can come in many forms, but it requires connecting with others, being inspired by others, reading others, collaborating with others.

But how can you have both solitude and participation? They obviously have to come at different times. Finding the balance is key, of course, but it takes a conscious effort: this time is for solitude, and this time is for participation.

Why are they both important? We need inspiration from without, but we need creation from within.

si iata aici si povestea mai pe larg pentru cine vrea sa aprofundeze.

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